The Covid Pandemic has changed a lot of how we go about our normal lives. I thoroughly enjoy teaching and don't want to stop. I was always taught that woodworking is not a secret thing and that we should pass it on. Keeping that in mind, and like many other industries, I'm going to offer live woodworking webinars through Zoom.
You'll be able to come into my shop from wherever you are and we'll spend some time both talking and working wood. Once you buy a webinar through my shop you will be emailed an invitation to the live event. On most topics I've typically made up PDF notes and I'll provide those for you.
In our current situation many of you probably have had Zoom meetings for staying in touch with family or for work. If you haven't, it really is a simple affair. You'll need to sign up for a free account and download the app from Zoom. Don't wait until the last minute and make sure you have the latest version. If you have not participated in a Zoom meeting you can find lots of information about it by clicking on this link.
Some Key Points
All webinars are in Eastern Standard Time
Maximum class size is 10 people
All webinars are open to join approximately 10 minutes before the time listed
The session will be recorded & will be made available to you
Get a drink, get comfortable and let's have fun