Black Walnut Studio Inc.
Steven Der-Garabedian
Fine Furniture
Instruction - Commissions - Writing
Fine Furniture
Instruction - Commissions - Writing

A Little About Me
I'm Steven Der-Garabedian. Steve is fine. I'm a worker of wood, a teacher, a writer, a photographer, the guy in charge of the shop broom, an earthling and much like Herb Tarlek, a hard worker and all around fine person.
Read more My New Book
I’ve always felt that veneering is a great way of woodworking for so many reasons from selection and beauty of species to stable creations. I think people are hesitant to buy veneered items and woodworkers think it is too complicated or have tried and failed. I think a lot of that is just a lack of knowledge. This book will hopefully let you take a different look at this wonderful medium and encourage you to give it a try yourself.
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Coming Up
Currently, as we all know, Covid-19 is putting a hold on all public classes
However, I have started to host live woodworking webinars (see menu bar above)
News - Events - Classes 
I offer one on one instruction in my own shop, which includes both power and hand tools. I teach a hybrid style of woodworking where the initial rough work is done with power tools and then refined by hand tools.
We can either work on a project you’ve thought about, or started and need help with. I also have specific courses that teach a variety of skills that are a great base to launch from. These course costs will vary slightly depending on the woods you select.
Feel free to contact me to discuss these or any ideas that you have.
Contact me
Feel free to reach out anytime. Email is best